The Quality of Vegetarian Life

Sunday, May 16, 2010 · Posted in ,

Fortunately the vegetarian way of life is becoming more common and more understood every year.  As more and more people see the value of becoming a vegetarian and how much their quality of life will improve, the vegetarian culture continues to grow.  And as the population moves in this direction, business will  follow and we will see more and more businesses and restaurants wanting to serve a growing vegetarian population.  When you see McDonalds offering salads and vegetable alternatives as they have done in the last few years, you know that the vegetarian quality of life is getting to be more well known.

Its good for those of us that can plainly see that the difference in quality of life as a vegetarian compared to before the transition is as different as night and day to be able to have some understanding for our cultural bias toward meat eating.  After all, civilization has been meat based for a long time.  Perhaps as far back as the caveman days, the male urge to hunt meat for food is deeply ingrained in us as a species.  So to switch to becoming a culture that hunts for vegetables rather than meats is going to be a difficult transition at a cultural level and it is going to take some time.

We should take heart from other large scale changes to how culture works because as a people, we can change.  The migration away from smoking is a great example.  Just a scant 20 or so years ago, smoking was considered a natural way of life and almost everybody smoked.  As the dangers of smoking became more evident and as the quality of life nonsmokers enjoyed became more clear, slowly society responded.

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